Oct 27, 2014

Siva Strotram Lyrics


Lingashtakam - A Prayer To Sivalingam

The Sivalingam is a sacred symbol of the Hindus whom they revere as the manifestation of the Universal Self in His awakened aspect in union with His dynamic energy Shakti. This prayer is a declaration of faith, obedience, love and devotion to Lord Siva in His aspect as Sivalingam.
Brahma Murari Sura architha Lingam,
Nirmala bashitha Shobitha Lingam,
Janmaja dukha vinasaka lingam.
That pranamami sada shiva lingam.
I bow before that Lingam, which is the eternal Shiva,
Which is worshipped by Brahma, Vishnu and other Devas,
Which is pure and resplendent,
And which destroys sorrows of birth.
Deva Murari pravarchitha Lingam,
Kama dahana Karunakara lingam,
Ravana darpa vinashana lingam,
That pranamami sad shiva lingam.
I bow before that Lingam, which is the eternal Shiva,
Which is worshipped by great sages and devas,
Which destroyed the god of love,
Which showers mercy,
And which destroyed the pride of Ravana.
Sarva sukandhi sulepitha lingam,
Budhi vivarthana karana lingam,
Siddha surasura vandhitha lingam,
That pranamami sada shiva lingam.
I bow before that Lingam, which is the eternal Shiva,
Which is anointed by perfumes,
Which leads to growth of wisdom,
And which is worshipped by sages, devas and asuras.
Kanaka mahamani bhooshitha lingam,.
Panipathi veshtitha shobitha lingam,
Daksha suyagna vinasana lingam,
That pranamami sada shiva lingam.
I bow before that Lingam, which is the eternal Shiva,
Which is ornamented by gold and great jewels,
Which shines with the snake being with it,
And which destroyed the Yagna of Daksha.
Kunkuma chandana lepitha lingam,
Pankaja hara sushobitha lingam,
Sanchitha papa vinasana lingam,
That pranamami sada shiva lingam.
I bow before that Lingam, which is the eternal Shiva,
Which is adorned by sandal paste and saffron,
Which wears the garland of lotus flowers,
And which can destroy accumulated sins.
Deva Ganarchitha sevitha lingam,
Bhavair bakthi pravesa lingam,
Dinakara koti prabhakara lingam,
That pranamami sada shiva lingam.
I bow before that Lingam, which is the eternal Shiva,
Which is served by gods and other beings,
Which is the doorway for devotion and good thought,
And which shines like billions of Suns.
Ashta dalopari veshtitha lingam,
Sarva samudbhava karana lingam,
Ashta daridra vinasana lingam,
That pranamami sada shiva lingam.
I bow before that Lingam, which is the eternal Shiva,
Which is surrounded by eight petals,
Which is the prime reason of all riches,
And which destroys eight types of poverty.
Suraguru sura vara poojitha Lingam,
Sura vana pushpa sadarchitha lingam,
Parathparam paramathmaka lingam,
That pranamai sada shiva lingam.
I bow before that Lingam, which is the eternal Shiva,
Which is worshipped by the teacher of gods,
Which is worshipped by the best of gods,
Which is always worshipped by the flowers,
From the garden of Gods,
Which is the eternal abode,
And which is the ultimate truth.
Lingashtakam, Idam Punyam padeth Shiva Sannidhow,
Shivalokam avapnothi shive na sahamodathe.
Any one who chants the holy octet of the Lingam,
In the holy presence of Lord Shiva,
Would in the end reach the world of Shiva,
And keep him company.


The leaves of Bilwa (Aegle marmelos), which has multiple leaves, with each leaf consisting of three leaves is very dear to Lord Shiva. Offering this leaf to Lord Shiva pleases him especially on the Shivarathri .There are several stories how people got salvation by offering one Bilwa leaf to Lord Shiva.
Tridalam trigunakaaram trinethram cha triyayusham,
Trijanma papa samharam Eka bilwam shivarpanam. 1
I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,
Which has three leaves,
Which causes three qualities,
Which are like the three eyes of Shiva,
Which is like the triad of weapons,
And which destroys sins of three births.
Trishakhai bilwapathraischa hyachidrai komalai shubai,
Shiva poojam karishyami, Eka bilwam shivarpanam. 2
I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,
Which has three shoots,
Which do not have holes,
Which are good and pretty,
And worship Lord Shiva.
Aganda bilwa pathrena poojithe nandikeshware,
Shudhyanthi sarva papebhyo, Eka bilwam shivarpanam. 3
I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,
For if an uncut leaf is offered,
To his steed the god Nandi,
We get cleaned of all our sins.
Salagrama shilamekaam vipranam jatha cha arpayeth,
Soma yagna maha punyam, Eka bilwam shivarpanam. 4
I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,
For it is equal to, offering a saligrama to a Brahmin,
Or the great blessing got out of performing Soma Yaga,
Dandi koti sahasrani vajapeya sathani cha,
Koti kanya maha danam, Eka bilwam shivarpanam. 5
I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,
For it is equal to gifting thousand elephants,
Or the performing of hundred fire sacrifices,
Or giving away billions of girls.
Lakshmyasthanutha uthpannam mahadevasya cha priyam,
Bilwa vruksham prayachami, Eka bilwam shivarpanam. 6
I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,
For it is equal to giving a tree of Bilwa,
Which was born from the breast of Lakshmi,
And which is very dear to the Lord Shiva.
Darshanam bilwa vrukshasya, sparsanam papa nasanam,
Aghora papa samharam, Eka bilwam shivarpanam. 7
I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,
As seeing and touching of a tree of Bilwa,
Washes away ones sins and also very great sins.
Kasi kshethra nivasam cha kala bhairava darshanam,
Prayaga madhavam drushtwa, Eka bilwam shivarpanam. 8
I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,
After living in the city of Kasi,
Seeing the Kala Bhairawa,
And also visiting the temple
Of Madhawa in Allahabad.
Moolatho brahma roopaya, madhyatho Vishnu roopini
Agratha shiva roopaya, Eka bilwam shivarpanam 9
I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,
As Brahma resides at its bottom,
Lord Vishnu lives in its middle,
And Lord Shiva lives in its tip.
Bilwashtakam idham punyaam, padeth shiva sannidhou,
Sarva papa nirmuktha Shiva loka maapnuyath. 10
Reading this holy octet of Bilwa,
In the presence of Lord Shiva,
Would save one from all sins,
And in the end take him to the world of Shiva.

Shiva Panchakshara Stotram

Shiva is the destroyer among the trinity and is worshipped as their main deity by millions of Hindus. The holy word chant to worship him is made of five letters and is popularly called Panchakshara- “Na Ma Si Va ya”. In this popular stotra each of these letters is considered as him and he is praised for his great qualities.
Nagendra haraya Trilochanaya,
Basmanga ragaya maheswaraya,
Nithyaya shudhaya digambaraya,
Tasmai nakaraya namashivaya.
My salutations to the letter “Na” , which is Shiva,
Who wears as garland the king of snakes.
Who has three eyes,
Who wears ash all over Him,
Who is the greatest Lord,
Who is forever,
Who is the cleanest,
And who wears the directions themselves as dress
Mandakini salila chandana charchithaya,
Nandeeswara pramadha nadha maheswaraya,
Mandra pushpa bahu pushpa supoojithaya,
Tasmai makaraya namashivaya.
My salutations to the letter “Ma” , which is Shiva,
Who is bathed by waters of ganges,
Who applies sandal paste all over him,
Who has Lord Nandi as his chiefton,
Who is the greatest lord,
And who is worshipped by Mandhara and many other flowers.
Shivaaya gowri vadanara vinda,
Sooryaya daksha dwara naasakaya,
Sri neela kantaya vrisha dwajaya,
Tasmai sikaraya namashivaya.
My salutations to the letter “Si” , which is Shiva,
Who is peace personified,
Who is like Sun to the Lotus face of Gowri[1],
Who destroyed the fire sacrifice of Daksha[2],
Who has a blue neck,
And who has a bull in his flag.
Vasishta kumbhodhbhava gowthamadhi.
Munendra devarchitha shekaraya,
Chandrarka vaiswanara lochanaya,
Tasmai vakaraya namashivaya.
My salutations to the letter “Va” , which is Shiva,
Who is worshipped by great sages like,
Vasishta, Agasthya and Gowthama ,
As also the devas,
And who has sun , moon and fire as his three eyes.
Yaksha swaroopaya jada dharaya,
Pinaka hasthathaya sanathanaya,
Divyaya devaaya digambaraya,
Tasmai yakaraya namashivaya.
My salutations to the letter “Ya” , which is Shiva,
Who takes the form of Yaksha,
Who has a tufted hair,
Who is armed with spear,
Who is forever filled with peace,
Who is godly,
Who is the great God,
And who wears the directions themselves as dress.
Panchaksharamidham punyam,
Ya padeth Shiva sannidhou,
Shivaloka maapnothi,
Shive na saha modathe.
Those who read these holy five letters great,
In the temple of Shiva,.
Would go to the world of Shiva,
And be forever happy with Him.


The author of this great prayer is possibly one of the greatest exponents of Bhakthi Marga (Path of devotion) Getting God intoxicated is his method for salvation. His chosen path is devotion to Lord Krishna. The fact that he has written this great stotra on Lord Shiva indicates the catholicity of this great teacher.
Namo namasthe tridaseshwaraya,
Bhoothadhinathaya mridaya nithyam,
Ganga tharangothida bala Chandra,
Choodaya Gauri nayanothsavaya 1
Salutations and salutations to him,
Who is the lord of the thirty gods,
Who is the Lord of all beings,
Who is perpetually gracious,
From whose head the waves of Ganga are born,
Who wears the crescent of moon
And who is the feast to the eyes of Gauri,
Sutaptha chamikara Chandra neela,
Padma pravalambudha kanti vasthrai,
Sa nrutya rangetha vara pradhaya,
Kaivalya nadhaya, vrusha dwajaya. 2
Salutations and salutations to Him,
Who is like the moon resembling the molten gold,
Who wears dress of the colour of blue lotus and rich cloud,
Who gives boons while he is dancing,
Who is the Lord of salvation,
And who has a bull in his flag.
Sudhamsu suryagni vilochanaya,
Tamo bhidhe they jagatha shivaya,
Sahasra shubramsu sahasra rasmi,
Sahasra sanjjtwara thejasesthu 3
Salutations and salutations to Him,
Who has moon, sun and fire as his eyes,
Who is the universal Shiva who dispels darkness
And who by his thousand beamed power,
Defeats thousands of moons and suns.
Nagesa rathnojjwala vigrahaya,
Shardula charmasuka divya thejase,
Sahasra pathropari samasthithaya,
Varangadha muktha bhuja dwayaya. 4
Salutations and salutations to Him,
Whose form shines like the gem,
In the head of the king of snakes
Who wears the skin of tiger,
Who has an effulgent form,
Who stands amidst a lotus
With one thousand petals,
And who wears lustrous
Amulets in his two hands,
Sunoopura ranjitha pada padma,
Ksharath sudha bhrutya sukha pradaya,
Vichithra ratnogha vibhushithasya,
Premanam eva adya harau videhi. 5
Salutations and salutations to Him,
Who has anklets with bells tied to his lotus feet,
Who gives flowing nectar from his hands,
To his servant like devotees and make them happy,
And who dresses himself in rare gems,
With a request Please grant me your love lord Hari*.
* The author of this great prayer is a great Vaishnavite
Sri Rama Govinda Mukunda Shaure,
Sri Krishna Narayana Vasudeva,
Ithyadi namamritha pana mathra,
Bringadhipay akhila dukha hantre, 6
Salutations and salutations to Him,
Who is the Lord of his bee like devotees,
Who chant of the names like Rama,
Govinda, Mukunda, Shauri, Krishna,
Narayana, Vasudeva and others like them,
Which would completely destroy all sorrows.
Note: The Catholicity of the author who is a follower of Vishnu is reflected in this verse.
Sri Naradadhya satata sugopya,
Jignanasitaya asu vara pradaya,
Thebhyo harer bhakthi sukha pradaya,
Shivaya sarvaya Gurave Nama. 7
Salutations and salutations to Him,
Who raises confidential curiosity,
In the minds of Sage Narada and others,
Who grants boons fast,
Who blesses his devotees with devotion to Hari,
And who is the teacher of every one.
Sri Gauri nethothsava mangalaya,
Thath prana nadhaya rasa pradhaya,
Sada samuthkantha Govinda Leela,
Gana pravinya namosthu thubhyam. 8
My salutations to you who is an expert in singing,
Who is the feast to the eyes of his consort Gauri,
Who is the Lord of the soul and is interesting,
And who is always interested in the playful acts of Govinda,
Ethath Shivasyashtakam adbhtham mahat,
Shrunvan hari prema labhathe sheegram,
Jnanam cha vijnanam, apoorva vaibhavam,
Yo bhava purna paramam samadharam. 9
He who filled with loving feelings hears,
This greatly wonderful octet on Shiva,
Would soon get the grace and love of Hari,
Get knowledge and divine realization.


Octet to Lord Shiva
Translated by P. R. Ramachander
This very musical stotra, describes oneself is a useless human being and not a devotee or fit to be a devotee but requests Lord Shiva for safety. The style of the sthothram points out, it to be a work of Aadhi Sankara. But this work is not listed in the complete works of Sankara. If any one knows the author, please communicate with me.
Asaa vasa dashta digantharale,
Desanthara brantha masantha budhim,
Aakara mathra adahavanisuram maam,
Akruthya kruthyam, Shiva pahi Shambho. 1
In all the eight directions, I am full of desires.
I am mad at travelling to countries outside,
I am having a mind which does not have peace,
My form looks like a way faring Asura.
And I am the one whose duties are never done,
So save me Lord Shiva who is Shambhu.
Mamsa asthi majja mala moothra pathra,
Gathrabhi manojjaditha kruthya jalam,
Mad bhavanam manmatha peedithangam,
Maya mayam maam Shiva pahi Shambho. 2
A vessel of flesh, bones, fat, shit and urine,
A body which is but a trick of imagination by the mind,
My thoughts tying my body with the vile of cupid,
And my thoughts are completely filled with illusion,
So save me Lord Shiva who is Shambhu.
Samsara mayaa jaladhi pravaha,
Sammagna mad brantha masantha chitham,
Thwath pada seva vimukham sakamam,
Sudurjjanam, maam Shiva pahi Shambho. 3
My life is flowing ocean of illusions,
Drowned in imaginations leading to tumultuous mind,
And my desire being not serving your feet,
I am the worst among bad people,
So save me Lord Shiva who is Shambhu.
Ishtanrutham brashta manishta dharmam,
Nasthathma bodham, naya lesa heenam,
Kashtari shad varga nipeedithangam,
Dushtothamam maam, Shiva pahi Shambho. 4
With banned and undesirable Dharma dancing in my mind,
With a defeatist attitude, without any doubt,
With all my body affected by the six types of problems,
I am the worst of the bad ones,
So save me Lord Shiva who is Shambhu.
Vedagamabhya sarasanabignam,
Padaravindam thava na archayantham,
Vedoktha karmani vilopayantham,
Vedakruthe maam Shiva pahi Shambho. 5
Expert in passion rather than in Vedas,
Not worshipping your lotus like feet,
And not doing ritual according to Vedas,
I am not some one who follows Vedas.
So save me Lord Shiva who is Shambhu.
Anyaya vitharjana saktha chitham,
Anyasu narashwanuragavantham,
Anyanna bhoktharamashudha deham,
Acharaheenam, Shiva pahi Shambho. 6
Interested in earning money by unfair means,
In love with ladies belonging to others,
Eating others food, having a dirty body,
I am one who does not follow rules,
So save me Lord Shiva who is Shambhu.
Puratha thapa thraya thaptha deham,
Paraam gathim gandhumupaya varjam,
Paravamanaika parathma bhavam,
Naradhamam, Shiva pahi Shambho. 7
My body is subject of three types of sufferings,
I have forsaken the way for seeking salvation,
I have the feeling of having done bad to every one else,
And I am baser than the base human being,
So save me Lord Shiva who is Shambhu.
Pitha Yadha rakshati puthram eesa,
Jagat pitha thwam jagatha sahaya,
Krthaparadham thava sarva karye,
Krupanidhe, maam shiva pahi Shambho. 8
The father always protects his son, Oh God,
And you are father and helper of the universe.
And I have committed sins in all your works,
But you are the treasure house of Mercy,
So save me Lord Shiva who is Shambhu.

Karthika Masam Story And Things to Perform

Lord Vishnu goes to sleep on Ashadha suddha ekadasi and wakes-up on Karthika suddha ekadasi.
Lord Shiva kílled Tripurasuras on Karthika pournami and protected the world.
In this month Ganga (Godess of river Ganges) enters in to all rivers, canals, ponds and wells and makes them as pious as Ganga.

Bathing in River or Nadi Snanam

Another important significance is bathing in river during Karthika Masam or Karthika Month. The rivers have received fresh water during the rain season comprising of Shravan and Bhadrapada Months. As the rivers over flow banks and are furious bathing in rivers during Shravana and Bhadrapada is prohibhited. The river completely settle by the time Karthika Masam starts.

Also the Moon during the Sharad Ruthuvu is a special one. Sharad Ruthuvu is known for the Moon light. Sharad Ruthuvu comprises of Ashwayuja or Ashwin month and Karthika Masam or Karthika Month. All along the Aswayuja Masam the river would absorb the energy from Moon by bathing in the river in Karhika Masam one can absorb this energy from the river. Hence it is mandated that one should take a bath in the river or perform Nadi Snanam in Karthika Masam.

The process of performing the Nadi Snanam is to close the nose with the two thumb fingers and close the ears with the middle fingers and take a dip so that the whole body along with the head is under the water. This has to be repeated for a  minimum of three times.

Karthika Poornima

karthika Poornima also recognized as a whole moon day that is celebrated on the fifteenth lunar day of the Karthika Thirty day period as for every the Vedic Calendar November – December). It is also regarded as Tripuri poornima. This is just one of the most auspicious, sacred, highly effective and really exclusive day, each for Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu.
karthika masam.

It celebrates  in a particular method in Thiruvannamalai, Lord Shiva asks Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu to uncover out the correct area of his head and his ft. Because Lord Shiva takes a gigantic kind, they under no circumstances get to the head or feet.. The Lord Shiva will take the form of a jyothi (mild of fire) on the hill of Thiruvannamali. Right here, a specific torch is lighted on the Zenith of the hill and it is thought that Lord Shiva’s jyothi will be noticeable on this day. Similarly the “Karthika deepam” which will be lightened iscalled “Akasa Deepam” staring from Karthika Shukla Padyami till the end of the month by worshiping in a sacred manner every day and the flag hoisted over to Dwajasthambhams in all the temples.

It is told that in olden days the Deepam became useful to the travellers or navigators in the sea or canal as star light informing them about the existence of temple, Village or people nearer to them and they used to come there to take rest for relief in their onward journey.
karthka poornima celebrations are associated with the legend of the demon Tarakasura. Tarakasura was demolished by Lord Karthika, also known as Skanda or kumara. Another legend associated with Karthikda poornima is of Lord Vishnu’s Matsyavatara. It is believed that on this day. Vishnu was incarnated in the Matsya roopa, and protected manu, the first man , from the maha pralaya (deluge).

Nagula Chavithi

Nagula Chavithi  is an auspicious day to observe Naga Puja. Nagula Chavithi is observed on the fourth day (Chaturthi) after Deepavali Amavasya during Karthika masam. Nag Panchami and Nagasashti are observed after Naga Chaturthi. In some parts of Andhra Pradesh it is also celebrated in the month of Sravana masam.

Nagula Chavithi, a festival to worship Nag Devatas (Serpent Gods), is mainly a women festival. Nagula Chavithi is observed by married women for their wellbeing of their children. During the Chavithi festival, women keep fast and observe Naga Puja. Devotees offer milk and dry fruits to Sarpa Devata at the Valmeekam or Putta (snake pits). On Nag Chaturthi day, Ashtanag (seven hooded cobra) is worshipped.

Karthika Ekadesi or Kaisika Ekadesi

Kaisika Ekadasi or Karthika Ekadesi is the might of the procession of ugra srinivasa of tirumala temple. This is also called uthana dwadasi in common terminology was reintroduced last year in tirumala on kasika Dwadasi day in Karthika Masam which was discontinued a few centuries ago, Vanabhojanotsavam was performed in tirumala, In this fete Sri Malayappaswamy along with his consorts Sridevi and Bhudevi was taken in a procession to parveta mandapam in the morning and Tirumanjanam, Archana, Asthanam and Naivedyam was offered to the deities and the prasadam was distributed among devotees.

Glory or Benefits of Somvar Vrata

One who observes Somvar vrata would enjoy every pleasure in the world and after death that person would reach Kailasa (Salvation or Moksha or Shiva lok).

Here I am giving the basic rituals we should follow for this month.

1.     Should not eat non Vegetarian food for the whole month.

2.     Do not eat Brinjal, Onions and Garlics Food in Kaarthika Masam. Take any vegetarian Food.

3.     Must take meal only once per day for the 30 days, we can eat breakfast at nights or at least we must.

4.     If possible Feed Cows.

5.     Follow this on auspicious days like mondays, karthika poornima, koti somavaram etc.

6.     Devotees take ceremonial or spiritual bath everyday for the whole month (Including Hair).

7.     Must light (deepam) every evening and evening do God Shiva Pooja.

8.     Read or Listen Shiva Puranam Book (Possible) ever day evening.

9.     Read one chapter in Karthika Puranam book every day.

10.   Prepare prasadam on karthika poornima,  koti somavaram and remaining days you can even keep some fruit as prasadam.

Vanabhojanam or Karthika vanabhojanam

Vanabhojanam or Karthika vanabhojanam is a kind of annual ritualistic picnic undertaken during Karthika masam in Andhra Pradesh. As per Hindu tradition, plants are considered to be of divine nature and worshipped as Gods. Certain plants like Tulsi, amla, bilva and durva plants are considered as divine and used in Pujas.

It is widely believed that Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi prefer to reside under Amla trees during Karthika month. Hence during Karthika Vanabhojanam, amla trees are worshipped by the telugu community in Andhra Pradesh. People also offer puja to Lord Vishnu and recite the Vishnu purana and Karthika purana during Vana Mahotsavam rituals.

During Karthika Vanamahotsava, traditionally people cook food under these trees after puja and consume the food as prasad. Traditionally people had atleast one amla plant in their courtyard. But nowadays due to congestion in cities, people observe Vanamahotsava more as a cultural festival than as a religious event. Many organisations arrange for an outing on this occasion and perform the puja of Vishnu and have food in the nearby gardens.

Koti Somavara Vratham

'Koti Somavara Vratham' is observed in 'Shravana Nakshatram' (star) which usually comes before 'Karthika Pournima' .

People perform the rituals like Abhishekam and Rudrabhishekam as stated above and lit three ghee lamps before The Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi. It is said that one who lits the lamps will attain  moksha from all the sins (even from all the life times) ,also  relieves from all the belongings and bonds on earth.It is also said that one who perform this will be happy forever and reach 'Kailasam' after death.

The prayers and rituals are observed as stated as above expect for the 'Rudrabhishekam' which is performed for 11 times this day to attain moksha.

 Kartik Somawaram Vratam

Soma is the another name of Lord Shiva. Known as Someswara, who keeps the “ Soma” the Moon on crescent on his matted hair. The Kartik Somawaram Vratam is performed to please the Lord Someswara (Lord Shiva). All mondays in this Month are aspecious and one can 

perform Pooja, Abhisheka, to Lord Shiva to get the blesssings of Shiva. This is the most favorite month for both of the Supreme Gods Lord Vishnu and Shiva. Praying to Lord Vishnu and Shiva during Kartik maas fetches them Moksha (Salvation). Kartik month is treated as the Sin-destroying month as per Hindu Ethics.

Satyanarayan vratam

Satyanarayan Pooja is one of the best & easiest ways to seek blessings from Lord Vishnu, who is the God responsible for maintenance of this Universe.

Typically Satyanarayan Pooja is to be performed before and/or after the fulfillment of our desires e.g. if you want to achieve some important milestones in your life like success in Higher Education, Success in career, promotion, buying a new vehicle, new house, starting a new business, negotiating big professional deals etc...
Satyanarayan is also useful if someone in the family is not well.

In order to maintain general happiness, prosperity and well being of the family it is advisable to perform Satyanarayan Pooja at least once every year. 
There is no hard and fast rule as to when Satyanarayan Pooja to be performed.  Morning or evening time is ideal for Pooja.  You can perform it after major achievements in life.  So also it is ideal to perform Satyanarayan Pooja once every year.  It is a great auspicious occasions to invite friends and relatives.
It is a custom to have some program of singing, dancing, playing musical instruments etc... with well wisher friends and relatives after the Pooja is over.
Satyanarayan Pooja is to be performed on an auspicious day in consultation with Panditji.

Satyanarayan is about 3.5 to 4 hours Pooja.

Paitha Mahakruchcha Vratam

Paitha Mahakruchcha Vratam is a five day ritual observed in the karthika krishna paksha in the southern states of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. This is dedicated to the worship of Lord Vishnu.

This vrata starts on Karthika Krishna saptami and ends on the Karthika Krishna Ekadashi.

During Paitha Mahakruchcha Vrata, Lord Vishnu is worshipped for five days by fasting and on the fifth day, ie the day of Uttuvana Ekadasi the fast is broken and on the next day usually the tulsi vivah is conducted with Lord Vishnu in some places. People observe fast during all the five days of the vrata. However, it’s not a complete fast as prescribed and certain foods are allowed to be taken on certain days.

During Paitha Mahakruchcha Vratha, according to tradition, these foods are allowed to be taken on the particular days. On the first day of the vrata, ie the karthika krishna saptami, water is the food for the day. On the second day of the vrata, ie the karthika krishna asthami, milk is the food. On the third day of the vrata, ie the karthik krishna navami, curd is the food, On the fourth day of the vrata, ie the karthik krishna dashami, ghee is the food and on the final day, ie the karthik krishna ekadasi, fast is broken after performing the Vishnu Puja.

Nattalu or Natta Vratam

Nattallu or Natta Vratam is observed by the devotees. The process of observing Nattallu or Natta Vratam is to fast for the whole day and eat only after seeing the stars for the whole month of Kathika Masam. So only if this routine is followed for the complete month it is called as Natta Vratham or Nattalu.

Tithi's And Tithi Phalam

TithiTithi devta and PujaPhalam (Benefit)

Karthika suddha Padyami

Lord ShivaTejas (Glory)
Karthika suddha 

Lord VishnuSanthi (Peace of mind)
Karthika suddha 

ShaktiAishwarya prapthi (Wealth)
Karthika suddha Chavithi

Naga devathas / Lord SubrahmanyeswaraAyush and Arogya prapthi (Longevity and Health)
Karthika suddha Panchami

Lord SubrahmanyeswaraKarya siddhi (Success in work)
Karthika suddha Shasthi

Lord SubrahmanyeswaraSanthana prapthi (Children)
Karthika suddha Sapthami

Lord Surya (Sun)Tejas and Arogya (Glory and Health)
Karthika suddha Ashtami

Godess DurgaSankata nivarana (Relief from Miseries)
Karthika suddha Navami

Pithru devathasKutumba soukhyam (Happy family)
Karthika suddha Dasami

Lord Ganesh / 
Gajendra moksha parayana for Lord Vishnu
Relief from Obstacles
Karthika suddha Ekadashi

Lord ShivaKarya siddhi (Success in work)
Karthika suddha Dwadashi

Lord VishnuDhana dhanya vriddhi 
(Wealth and Good life)
Karthika suddha Trayodashi

Lord VishnuTejas (Glory)
Karthika suddha Chaturdashi

Lord Kala BhairavaAkala mruthyu haranam (Relief from sudden Deaths)
Karthika suddha Pournami

Lord Shiva / Lord KrishnaMoksha
Karthika bahula 

Lord Agni (Fire)Tejas (Glory)
Karthika bahula 

Ashwani devathas (Two Doctors of Gods)Arogya (Health)
Karthika bahula 

Gauri (Parvathi)Soubhagya (Good for Husband and Children)
Karthika bahula Chavithi

Lord GaneshKutumba saukhyam (Gives happy family life)
Karthika bahula Panchami

Lord SubrahmanyeswaraVijaya (Victory)
Karthika bahula 

Lord SubrahmanyeswaraSanthana vriddhi (Children)
Karthika bahula Sapthami

Lord SuryaAyush and Arogya (Longevity and Health)
Karthika bahula Ashtami

Ashta LakshmiSanthi (Peace)
Karthika bahula 

Godess DurgaKarya siddhi (Success everywhere)
Karthika bahula 

Ashta dikpalakas (Indra, Agni, Yama, Nirruthi, Varuna, Vayu, Kubera, Eeshana[Shiva])Keerthi (Fame)
Karthika bahula Ekadashi

KuberaDhana prapthi (Money)
Karthika bahula Dwadashi

Lord VishnuYoga prapthi (Eternal unity)
Karthika bahula Trayodashi

Lord YamaVyadhi nivarana (Relief from severe diseases)
Karthika bahula Chaturdashi

Mruthyunjaya (A form of Lord Shiva)Arogya (Relief from diseases and Healthy body and mind)
Karthika bahula Amavasya

Pithru devathasMano dhairyam (Mental stability)

Mantras to be recited in Kartika masam day wise

Mantras to be recited in Kartika masam day wise

Day 1Sadaa Agni
Om Jatavedasee Swadaapate Swaha
Day 2Brahma
Om Greeshpataye Viriyanchiye swaha
Day 3Parvati Devi
'Om Parvathai Parameswarai Swaha
Day 4Vigneswara Swamy
'Om Gam Ganathipataye Namaha'
Day 5Adishesu
'Om Parabrahmanai namaha'
Day 6Subramanyeswara Swamy
'Om Sum Bram Subramaneswaraya'
Day 7Surya Bhagavan
'Om Bham Bhanave swaha'
Day 8Durga Devi
'Om Chamnudayi swaha'
Day 9Pitru devatalu
'Om Amrutaya swaha'
Day 10Lord Shiva
'Om Shivayana maha'
Day 11Shiva
'Om namah Shivaya'
Day 12Damodara
'Om Kartika Damodaraya Swaha'
Day 13Manmadhudu
'Om Sri Virisaraya Namaha'
Day 14Yama
'Om Tila Priyaya sarvasamhara hetine swaha'
Day 15Chandra
'Om Somaya Somatanave swaha'
Day 16Swaha Agni
'Om Swahapataye jatavedase namaha'
Day 17Aswini Devatas
'Om Aswnowvaidhya te namaha'
Day 18Gowri Devi
'Om GaGaGaGa Gowrai swaha'
Day 19Vinayaka
'Om Gam Ganathipataye swaha'
Day 20Kumara Swamy
'Om Sam Saravanabhavaya Kumaraya swaha'
Day 21Shiva
'Om Namah Shivaya'
Day 22Surya
'Om Bhasharayane swaha'
Day 23Ashta devatalu
'Om Srimatreyana maha'
Day 24Sri Durga
'Sri Durgayai swaha'
Day 25Dikpalakulu
'Om Eesavasya swaha'
Day 26Kubera
'Om Kuberaya sravanaya maharajaya swaha'
Day 27Kartika Damodara
'Om Bhoothulasi dhatri sameta Kartika Damodaraya swha'
Day 28Dharmudu
'Om Dharmaya, karmanasaya swaha'
Day 29Mrutyunjaya
'Om Mrutunjayanamaha'
Day 30Sarvadevatalu, Pitrudevatalu
'Om Amrutaya swaha-Mama samasta pitru devatabhyo namaha'